Beat Happening / Screaming Trees - Beat Happening / Screaming Trees, a collaboration between Lee Conner, Heather Lewis, Mark Pickerel, Bret Lunsford, Van Conner, Mark Lanegan and Calvin Johnson, a co-release between K and Homestead Records, April 1988. Released on 12" vinyl and CD.
A1. Sea Babies
A2. Tales Of Brave Aphrodite
B1. Polly Pereguin
B2. I Dig You
wont let me open it :O(
Should open automatically, my system has BOMArchiveHelper that opens it automatically as soon as the download finishes, stuffit expander should work also. I just downloaded it myself and it was fine, try again and if it don't work i'll get the files to you some other way, VZ.
hello again...sadly still doesnt work for me, duno what i'm doing wrong...just d/loading i i wasually do, and just wont transfer once its done!sorry to be a pain!
They are also available here:
hope they work for you, also the 4 songs are on a beat happening compilation called "music to climb the apple tree by". VZ.
thanks much appreciated! these links seem to work fine...may just my lack of computer knowledge! much appreciated...really been enjoying some of the sames from ya blog!
thanks much appreciated! these links seem to work fine...may just my lack of computer knowledge! much appreciated...really been enjoying some of the sames from ya blog!
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