Wednesday, September 26, 2007
BATTLES Live 25th Sept. East Brunswick Club
I saw Battles last night at the East Brunswick Club and it was fantastic, I expected alot and got what I expected. Highlights of the show were Atlas (of course), Tonto, Hi / Lo & Tras, which coincidently are some of my favourite tracks off the EP C / B EP compilation and the Mirrored LP. I attended the gig with a friend of mine who was on a short visit from Japan, having introduced him to the bands music a few days earlier he was equally impressed with the performance. We had a short conversation with Battles guitarist, keyboardist and vocalist Tyondai Braxton and he informed us that the group were on their way to Japan after a visit to Brisbane. So my friend Cameron will hopefully see them again Saturday night, and I'm jealous, but i'll get over it. I took some shitty photo's last night, the one below is BATTLES written in some form of Japanese, thanks to Cameron for pointing that one out.

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Been a huge John Stainer since the Helmet days. Cool CD, very complex piece of music, seems really cool to see live. Since I live in Israel, chances are that this review is the closet I will ever get to see them live.
Don't be jealous. It's already sold out here. I almost considered catching the bullet train up to Tokyo to catch their second show. Almost.
Don't almost me ya fucker just goddamn do it, get off ya ass and catch the bullet, it'll be worth it, also if you could and you read this (although i'll email you) could you please please please send me Sopranos Season 6, I think there is 21 episodes, send them as data files, please. Tim.
Nah man. The whole Oz trip and sending all my shit has left me with enough money to comfortably survive until pay day. A trip to Tokyo would make life difficult for the next 3 weeks. It doesn't make sense sticking my neck out for a band I just saw 4 days ago. Email me your address and i'll send the Sopranos. I've got the files in .avi format. I'm not sure but you may need something to read it on a Mac. They work on my dvd player so they may also work on yours. Anything else your after? I downloaded the Descent, I can't get my hands on Fido (please send) and I forgot the title of the other (zombie?) movie you recomended.
O.K then, I can't believe you don't know the address you lived here (in this house) for many years, didn't you ever get mail, anyway I'll email you and i'll need your address also to send Fido, Hatchet and whatever else. The AVI files should be fine I got that VLC player you recommended, works a treat, season 6 and 5 if you can, not that important, they got it down stairs but season 6 would be fannnnnnntastic, we almost up to season 4. peace out and what? no gravy! Tint.
Dude, I only just memorised my address of this place after a year and a half. Although that's a different learning curve with the kanji and all, still pretty fucking craptacular. Hell, it took me 2 years to remember my mobile number and there's no excuse for that. Unless not making the slightest effort to remember counts as an excuse. Somehow I don't think it does.
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